What Drug Causes Pinpoint Pupils?
Most commonly, the use of opioids such as heroin, fentanyl, and other prescriptions pain killers are known to cause pinpoint pupils. However, the list of substances that can cause dilated pupils is long. This list includes drugs like amphetamines, benzodiazepines, cocaine, ecstasy and more.
Eyes Speak Louder: Decoding the Signs of Drug Use
Unlocking the subtle language of the eyes can provide crucial insights into whether someone is using drugs. Firstly, observe any unusual changes in pupil size, as dilated or constricted pupils can be indicative of different substances. Additionally, bloodshot or watery eyes may signal drug use, especially in the case of marijuana.
Moreover, pay attention to the overall condition of the eyes. Specifically, blood vessels that appear more pronounced or redness in the whites of the eyes could be signs of drug influence. Therefore, understanding these visual cues is essential in identifying potential substance use, allowing for early intervention and support.
Choose a substance from the list below to explore its impact on eyes.
Different Substances Have Different Effects
To begin, alcohol manifests both short and long-term effects on the eyes. Intoxication can lead to double vision, blurry vision, poor night vision, and uncontrolled eye movements.
Furthermore, sustained and heavy alcohol consumption can lead to involuntary eye movements, drooping eyelids, and challenges in tracking objects. This could be early signs of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (WKS). Because of this, these symptoms should be brought to the attention of a physician or your medical provider.
Under the influence of marijuana, one may encounter redness, pupil dilation, and a slowed ability to focus. Misuse of marijuana can lead to uncontrolled, repetitive eye movements. Moreover, chronic usage may result in persistent decreased eye muscle function.
Visual hallucinations can be induced by hallucinogens like LSD, phencyclidine (PCP), and mescaline. In the case of PCP intoxication, individuals may also undergo horizontal or vertical involuntary, rapid, repetitive eye movements known as nystagmus.
The use of stimulants causes dilated pupils. This includes substances like crystal meth, Adderall (amphetamine, dextroamphetamine) MDMA (ecstasy), Ritalin (methylphenidate), and more. Additionally, prolonged use of some of these substances, like methamphetamine is associated with retinal vascular occlusive disease.
Opioids include illegal drugs like Heroin, synthetic opioids like Fentanyl, and pain relievers like oxycodone that are available by prescription. Most commonly, the use of these substances will cause constricted pupils (pinpoint pupils). The use of opioids causes the parasympathetic nervous system to contract the circular iris sphincters. In short, making the pupils appear small. Consequently, the pupils may not react to light anymore. Additionally, someone under the influence of heroin or another opioid may appear to have their eyelids droop – often appearing as if they are falling asleep.
Cocaine – including both powdered and crack cocaine – cause dilated pupils. Additionally, prolonged cocaine use can cause other conditions. Such as, exophthalmos, cycloplegia, corneal ulcers, and more.
Similar to alcohol, benzodiazepines (also referred to as benzos) can cause altered, blurry or double vision while intoxicated. An individual on benzos may have trouble focusing their eyesight (like following a moving object) or exibit sudden and unctrolled eye movements.